The commitment of our Tourist Office
This Tourist Office is in the process of meeting the classification requirements for category III and is a part of the Offices de Tourisme de France network.
It is committed to:
It is committed to:
- Making a reception and information space easily accessible to you.
- Making your procedures easier
- Providing you with seating
- Providing you with free information about the local tourist offer
- Displaying and circulating its opening periods in at least one foreign language.
- Being open at least 120 days per year, including Saturdays and Sundays during tourist or entertainment periods
- Answering your letters all year long
- Ensuring continuous reception service by personnel who speak at least one foreign language
- Ensuring that paper copies of tourist maps, and guide maps and books are available
- Providing you with access to its bilingual Website
- Also ensuring that all tourist information concerning the following is translated into at least one foreign language:
- all classified tourist accommodation with at least the name of the establishment, mailing address, email address, Website address, telephone numbers and classification level;
- monuments and cultural, natural and recreational tourist sites that might indicate the usual rates, periods and hours when open to the public, Website and telephone and mailing details;
- events;
- emergency telephone numbers
- Annually updating its tourist information
- Displaying emergency telephone numbers outside
- Processing your claims and measuring your satisfaction
- Ensuring that a holiday adviser is available
- Guaranteeing the reliability and updating of information concerning the local tourist offer
- Updating the tourist offer data related to its geographic operating zone